How To Get Over The Heartbreak of Losing Out on Your Dream Home

It’s the news no home buyer wants to receive after deciding on their dream home - that after putting so much time and effort into finding the perfect place, another buyer snatched it away. We’re sure you pictured yourself thriving there, building a new life and fresh furniture inside. When you've invested all that energy and emotion you are undoubtedly devastated to see your dream run off with someone else. Losing "the house that got away" and the feeling of disappointment that remains in its place isn’t unlike experiencing heartbreak. Reentering the fray of house hunting and once again figuring out how to find your next dream home, after you were so close to it, is daunting. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to help navigate the situation so you can get over the heartbreak and back on the playing field (housing market) so you’ll be ready when the next perfect home comes along!

1. Don't pretend that it isn’t a big deal

Unsurprisingly, finding out you didn't get the house of your dreams is heart-wrenching. As with any sort of loss, allow yourself to go through the grieving process and feel all those emotions - yes, it is a big deal. Your big plans for your dream home were dashed and it’s completely normal to feel sad and lost when you hear the news. Our advice is to not forget that what seems like an end is also an exciting and mysterious new beginning. There are so many beautiful homes out there, turn this experience into an opportunity to think about what you could have done better.

2. Re-evaluate what you’re looking for and make new goals

Take a deep breath and be patient with yourself. It’s time to reflect on and reexamine your goals. Where did things go wrong? If you had been better prepared, what could have happened? After answering these questions, reexamine your wants and needs to broaden your housing horizons. Did your previous dream home pass a proper inspection? Were you cutting corners in the excitement of finding a home that lived up to your expectations?

Redefining your goals could look like reconsidering your list of must-haves. Perhaps it would be advantageous to consider being open to visiting two bedrooms instead of just three. Maybe you’ll become more open to considering making minor renovations to properties that aren’t quite perfect for you. Allowing for a little bit of flexibility in your search will open your eyes to possibilities you hadn’t considered before. For example, ask yourself if living close to the city center is really non-negotiable. Would the money saved by moving slightly outside the center allow you to build that greenhouse you’ve always dreamed of? Or maybe you could put in a jacuzzi, or marble counters in the kitchen with the cash you save. Reexamining your must-haves may make you realize that your dream home design ideas can be accomplished in different ways, or may change altogether. 

According to Heritage Home Loans, the key is to turn that regret into productivity by learning from the mistakes you made and putting in enough planning to avoid them next time. No matter how difficult this process might feel now, remember that each setback provides lessons that will aid you in the process of finding the right home for you.

3. Get back out there, don’t stop searching!

Like any heartbreak, it’s important to get back on the market fast! Moving on from the "house that got away" and quickly continuing your search for a new perfect home. reduces the likelihood of missing out on another fantastic home. Yes, you were hurt before, but remember you’re wiser this go around and readier than ever to navigate the real estate market if it means finding your dream home. 

Remember, your real estate agent is there to advocate for you and guide you through the process of finding your future home; don’t be afraid to ask for their help! According to Otmproperty, the most effective way to find the property suited to your needs and wants is to communicate with the experts. If you want to chat with us about getting back on the playing field to make your dream home your reality, Team Horton is here for you every step of the way. Get in touch with us to take advantage of all the ways we can help you on this go around!   

Be aware of what exactly you're looking for as well as your budget limits so there won't be any more disappointments. As always, try your best to keep an open mind - not every listing is going to fulfill all of your criteria, but what it has to offer might surprise you! Most importantly, though: aim high and don't let yourself get too attached until it's just right - be patient and stay vigilant. If you’re a first-time home buyer in the Charlotte area, check out our Buying a Home in Charlotte guide for detailed information to help you get started.